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About Brevard Health Alliance

Brevard Health Alliance, Inc. is Brevard County’s only Federally Qualified Health Center. BHA provides extensive primary health care services to Brevard County residents regardless of their ability to pay. By offering services on a sliding-fee scale, BHA has provided primary care services, behavioral health services, dental services, diagnostic services, resource management services, pharmacy services, women’s health care and obstetrics, Hepatitis C and HIV services, extended hours of pediatric walk-in care, and specialty referrals to Brevard County’s economically disadvantaged residents since March of 2005.

Family Visit To The Doctor in Brevard County, FL


Our objective is to provide a patient-centered medical and dental home for our patients. As your family healthcare provider, our goal is to provide not just acute care, but preventive care and healthcare-related education to our patients. Brevard Health Alliance is a private, not-for-profit organization with a community board of directors. More than one-half of our board members are patients of our clinics.

Mobile Unit

Our Mobile Health Unit provides services to citizens at various locations throughout Brevard County. The goal of Brevard Health Alliance Mobile Health Units is to provide professional medical care to Brevard’s residents ‘where they are’; on the streets, in shelters, at soup kitchens, and at drop-in centers. We currently provide services to approximately 2,500 Brevard County citizens presenting as homeless.

Excellent Medical Care

The Brevard Health Alliance provides primary medical care with board-certified physicians as well as advanced practice nurse practitioners and physician assistants. This care includes health maintenance such as well-child check-ups, well-woman care, and physicals. BHA also provides chronic disease management for conditions including, but not limited to, hypertension and diabetes. Brevard Health Alliance is an FTCA Deemed Facility. This health center receives HHS funding and has Federal Public Health Service (PHS) deemed status with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including medical malpractice claims, for itself and its covered individuals.

Our Values

  • Providing an extraordinary quality of care for our patients in a safe and efficient manner while focusing on continually improving our quality of care and our efficiency.
  • As stewards of healthcare funding for the medically underserved, we will maintain the highest level of integrity as we execute our responsibilities to the citizens of Brevard County.
  • Providing a remarkable experience for every patient, every time.

Our Mission

Our mission is to improve the health status of Brevard County by providing a medical home where all patients receive high-quality care in a timely manner. We commit to ensuring every patient we serve is heard, encouraged, and respected.

BHA Fees

Uninsured patients are offered discounted fees based on income and family size. BHA accepts Aetna, Blue Cross-Blue Shield, Cigna, Florida Kid Care, Health First Health Plans, Medicaid, Medicare, United Health Care, and other insurances. Please review the insurance accepted or call the office for more information. Your questions will be gladly answered regarding our participation with your insurance carrier.

Patients have the right to an estimate of their charges. Requests must be made three (3) days in advance of an appointment. For more information, please click here.

Brevard Health Alliance is a Health Center Program grantee under 42 U.S.C. 254b and a deemed Public Health Service employee under 42 U.S.C. 233(g)-(n).

Brevard Health Alliance es un receptor del premio del Programa de Centro de Salud cubierto por 42 U.S.C. 254b y un empleado del Servicio de Salud Pública considerado cubierto por 42 U.S.C. 233 (g)-(n).

Leadership Team

Austin Helton

Chief Executive Officer

Maegen Anderson

Chief Operating Officer

Marcus Brooks Johnson

Chief Financial Officer

Ted Schuck, DO

Chief Medical Officer

Bob Walters

Chief Human Resources Officer

Wendy Lockhart, MD

Chief of Pediatrics

Reem Natafji, Pharm. D.

Chief Pharmacy Officer

State-of-the-Art Preventative and Emergency Care

Healthcare for You and Your Family