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All Your Dental Care Needs Under One Roof

Brevard Health Alliance provides preventative and emergency dental care services to patients throughout Brevard County, FL, and the surrounding areas, including Cocoa, Malabar, Palm Bay, Titusville, Melbourne, and Rockledge. As the area’s go-to emergency dentist, we strive to provide not just emergency dental care but preventive dental care and education for our patients to improve their dental health. Our providers offer high-quality dental care in a clean, state-of-the-art environment.

Child and dental staff

Children’s Dental Services

Our comprehensive general dentistry services for children include dental exams, tooth cleanings, protective sealants, fluoride treatments, fillings, “baby” root canals (pulpotomies), stainless-steel crowns, and both oral hygiene and dietary counseling.

Pediatric Dentist and child patient

What Is Preventative Dental Care?

The importance of preventative dental care is paramount in maintaining one’s oral health. This cooperative effort by the patient and their chosen dentist is designed to help preserve one’s oral health by preventing the onset, progress, and recurrence of dental diseases and conditions. Preventative dental care services often include digital X-rays, dental X-rays, fluoride treatment, oral hygiene aids, sealants, dental exams, tooth cleanings, and more.

How to Identify a Dental Emergency

If you are unsure how to identify a dental emergency, ask yourself if you’re in severe pain, if you’ve lost a tooth, if you have any loose teeth, if you have an infection, and if you are bleeding from the mouth. If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then chances are you have a dental emergency on your hands. Severe pain and oral bleeding are both signs of a dental emergency. If a tooth has been lost or has become loose, prompt treatment can save the tooth. A severe infection or abscess has the potential to become life-threatening if left untreated, so emergency treatment is a must. Dental emergencies in which you should go straight to the Emergency Room include significant swelling or swelling that has affected or progressed to the eye area, and any difficulty or pain when breathing or swallowing.

How to Prevent Dental Emergencies

While preventing dental emergencies isn’t always possible, there are things you can do to decrease your chances of needing an emergency trip to the dentist. The first way is to stay proactive with your oral hygiene, including going to the dentist twice annually for routine check-ups. Preventative dental care will permit your dentist to check for loose fillings and crowns, as well as signs of decay, infection, and gum disease. But while comprehensive general dentistry services can help decrease your chances of incurring a dental emergency, they still happen. And, if they do, remember that time is of the essence.

A dental professional readies for an exam

When to See a Dentist

Common dental emergencies include unexplainable toothaches, swollen or bleeding gums, swollen jaw or mouth, exposed nerves, knocked-out teeth, missing fillings, broken crowns, abscessed teeth, objects lodged between teeth, and more. If you are experiencing any of these common dental emergencies, severe pain, a loose tooth, or something else, it’s time to see a dentist. Adult and pediatric patients should reach out to Brevard Health Alliance for guidance on emergent care.

Dental Care


220 Barton Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955

All Services, Call or Text: 321-241-6800
Pediatric Walk-in Care: 321-353-7945
Pharmacy: 321-324-0216

Central Fax: 321-241-6890

Endeavour Elementary

905 Pineda St
Cocoa, FL 32922

All Services, Call or Text: 321-241-6800

Central Fax: 321-241-6890

Port St. John

7227 N Highway 1
Port St John, FL 32927

All Services, Call or Text: 321-241-6800
Pharmacy: 321-566-2703

Central Fax: 321-241-6890


2120 Sarno Rd
Melbourne, FL 32935

All Services, Call or Text: 321-241-6800
Pediatric Walk-in Care: 321-977-5028
Pharmacy: 321-241-6818

Central Fax: 321-241-6890

Titusville Dental Clinic

611 N Singleton Ave
Titusville, FL 32796

All Services, Call or Text: 321-241-6800

Central Fax: 321-241-6890

University Dental Clinic

601 E University Blvd
Melbourne, FL 32901

All Services, Call or Text: 321-241-6800

Central Fax: 321-241-6890

See All Providers

Barton Commons / Rockledge

220 Barton Blvd, Rockledge, FL 32955, USA


905 Pineda St, Cocoa, FL 32922, USA

Palm Bay

5270 Babcock St NE suite 1, Palm Bay, FL 32905, USA

Port St. John

7227 US-1, Cocoa, FL 32927, USA

Sarno / Melbourne

2120 Sarno Rd, Melbourne, FL 32935, USA

Titusville Dental Clinic

611 N Singleton Ave, Titusville, FL 32796, USA


601 E University Blvd, Melbourne, FL 32901, USA

Contact Us Today for Preventative & Emergency Dental Care

When you Google “dental clinic near me” or “emergency dentist near me,” chances are you’ll be bombarded with a wide range of options – and we hope you’ll choose Brevard Health Alliance. As the area’s go-to emergency dentist, you can rest assured you’re in the best of hands when you visit our state-of-the-art facility in Brevard County, FL for emergency dental care. Contact us today to learn more about our preventative dental care services or schedule an emergency dentist appointment.

Healthcare for You and Your Family