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We’re pleased to offer pediatric care events on select Saturdays throughout the summer!  Our compassionate pediatrics teams at our Barton and Palm Bay practices are hosting Super Saturdays and Sports Physicals starting in late June to help you get prepared for school, sports, and life!  Here’s what’s in store for you:

A group of elementary aged kids wearing colorful superhero costumes

Super Saturdays 

Join us for our Super Saturdays designed to streamline your child’s regular well-child visit. Annual wellness visits are key to optimizing your child’s medical and behavioral health. We know how important these visits are for you and your little one, so that’s why we’re trying to make it as easy and convenient as possible.  

On Super Saturdays we extend hours and commit our providers to focus solely on wellness visits so we can move through appointments efficiently, ensuring you and your child get quality time with your care team. And to add a splash of fun, each Super Saturday will feature a unique theme! Our teams will be dressing up, and we encourage both you and your children to join in the festivities. Because after all, life is better in a costume! 

You can call, text, or visit us online to request an appointment for a Super Saturday.  

Sports Physicals 

We are continuing our partnership with Who We Play For (WWPF) to offer pediatric heart screenings and sports physicals for your young athletes. Making sure that your child is ready to play is important and can prevent potential issues and injuries while they participate in sports.   

Who We Play For will be at our Barton clinic on July 13 doing EKG heart screenings. To sign up for the screening visit their registration page here. Registration will end at 7 p.m. on July 12. During your registration with WWPF, you’ll have the option to request a physical with a BHA provider as well.    


Mark your calendars for these upcoming events:

June 29              Super Saturday Wellness Visits at Palm Bay           Dress up as a Cartoon Character 

July 13               Heart Screening + Sports Physicals at Barton         Come as you are!  

July 20               Super Saturday Wellness Visits at Barton                 Dress up as a Cartoon Character 

July 27                Super Saturday Wellness Visits at Palm Bay           Dress us as a Superhero 

August 3            Super Saturday Wellness Visits at Barton                Dress up as a Superhero 

August 10         Super Saturday Wellness Visits at Palm Bay           Dress up as an Animal or Critter 

Kids in animal costume, Brevard County, FL

How to Schedule an Annual Wellness Visit this Summer

Call or Text Us– If you are interested in scheduling your child for a wellness visit on a Super Saturday, you can call or text us at 321-241-6800. Just let us know which Saturday event you’re interested in and the practice location (Barton or Palm Bay). We’ll call or text back to get you scheduled. 

Request an appointment onlineClick this link to request and get started getting your child scheduled. Be sure to select Barton Pediatrics or Palm Bay Pediatrics in the preferred location field. We’ll contact you by your preferred method to get your appointment booked.  

We can’t wait to welcome you and your child this summer for a season filled with health, wellness, and a whole lot of fun!