Summer is here! This season signals a time for outdoor fun and leisure, but anyone who’s lived here for even one summer knows the heat can be…
May is National Drowning Prevention Awareness Month. Drowning is the cause of more deaths in children than any other cause annually. The reality is…
May is Stroke Awareness Month and, according to the National Institutes of Health, there are more than 800,000 stokes in the United States each…
Measles is not a common illness in the United States, which is why a startling number of new cases of the disease has doctors and healthcare…
Spring in Florida is an active time of year as sports seasons ramp up and our outdoor and group activities increase. With increased activities…
While the peak of flu season has passed, the Florida Department of Health is reporting most counties in the state continued to report mild…
Show of hands, please. How many of you have friends who complain there just is not enough stress in their life? Probably not many.
Stress is…
During a back to school well-check, your child receives a thorough examination by a Brevard Health Alliance pediatrician involving administration…
Self-care is more than making sure you get enough sleep every night, eat healthy foods and get regular exercise. Visiting your doctor for a yearly…
When you get vaccinated against an infectious disease like mumps or measles, you are being immunized against this disease. Vaccines contain agents…