Putting off a women’s annual wellness exam is something many women do. It might not seem important, but it can be a lifesaver—literally. Annual…
Regular physical activity is an important part of health for all children. A sports physical is a comprehensive physical exam done by a doctor. If…
Some of the main reasons that children and adults get cavities include plaque, bacteria, and food particles. These usually cause demineralization…
Every year, your doctors and nurses at Brevard Health Alliance remind you to get your flu shot. And this year is no different as we are all still…
Teenagers are at a stage in their lives where they are the most vulnerable to peer pressure and being influenced by those around them. They are also…
Heat rash is a condition that occurs when a person’s sweat glands become clogged, and sweat cannot escape to the surface of the skin.[1] Of…
Many people suffer from migraine headaches or stomachaches once in a while. However, if you have these conditions on a frequent basis, it might not…
Use Telehealth to Diagnose Common Conditions
A telehealth diagnosis involves a virtual medical appointment with your healthcare team.…
Outdoor activities in the summer often involve keeping pests at bay. While camping outdoors in Florida, mosquitos are some of the most obnoxious…
Over the past 30 years, the rates of overweight individuals and obesity have risen at a dramatic speed.[1] Packing your lunch for work or school…