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For children, a common cause of nosebleeds is physical trauma, caused either by picking or inserting a foreign object into the nose. Dry air and allergens can also irritate sensitive nasal passages and cause bleeding.[1]

In these cases, using a humidifier or saline nose drops may reduce the number of nosebleeds your child experiences. If you see your child picking their nose, modify that behavior through gentle instruction.[1]

What Can Nosebleeds Be a Sign Of?

Knowing when to worry about a nosebleed is important. If your child experiences any of the symptoms listed below,contact a pediatrician at Brevard Health Alliance for a consultation.

1. Frequent Nosebleeds in Children

If your child experiences nosebleeds more than once a week, consult your physician to determine the cause. Your physician can check for polyps, anatomical problems, or clotting issues.[1]

2. Both Headaches and Nosebleeds in a Child

If your child experienced both a headache and nosebleed, this could be a coincidence but may also be caused by allergies, a sinus infection, a head injury, or high blood pressure.[1]

3. The Nosebleed Won’t Stop

Contact your physician immediately if the bleeding won’t stop, your child loses a lot of blood, or bleeding starts again within hours. Some medicines, even aspirin, can affect the clotting ability of your child’s blood.[2]

4. Your Child Struggles to Breathe or Becomes Unresponsive

Immediately contact your pediatrician and bring your child to the emergency room.

Better to Be Safe Than Sorry

While most nosebleeds are normal, if your child experiences frequent nosebleeds or has a combination of symptoms, schedule an appointment to meet with a pediatrician at Brevard Health Alliance.




Kid Affected with Noosebleeds