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Spring is coming, and temperatures are beginning to rise. That sun feels great on your skin, but once temps break 50 degrees, plants and trees begin to release their pollen. That means allergy season is on its way with all the suffering it entails. Luckily, you can learn how to treat spring allergies now to help mitigate the symptoms for you and your family before they occur.Don’t Invite Pollen Into Your Home

1. Don’t Invite Pollen Into Your Home

Nature designs pollen to stick to everything it encounters so that it can spread through the environment. Make sure to change your clothes when you return from being outside, and remember to shower before you go to bed to keep from filling your pillow with pollen from your hair. You should also refrain from opening your windows — tempting as it may be — to reduce the amount of pollen blowing into your home.

2. Preparing for Spring Allergies

Visit your doctor at Brevard Health Alliance before you suffer allergy symptoms, and start taking the spring allergies treatment prescribed to fortify your body against the coming assault. What is good for allergies is to increase your intake of foods with natural antihistamines to help ease your symptoms and reduce inflammatory responses. There are many foods in this category, including [1]

  • Apples
  • Pineapples
  • Berries
  • Citrus fruits
  • Broccoli
  • Leafy greens
  • Fatty fish high in Omega-3

3. Replace All Your Filters

It’s important to understand that the filters in your home pick up a lot of dust through the dry winter months, and this can reduce their efficiency. When preparing for spring allergies, replace your furnace and vent filters with high-quality HEPA filters to catch as much of the pollen that enters your home as possible.

Don’t forget to do the same for your car. Many newer cars now have HEPA filters for the air in the passenger cabin, which can save you a lot of misery as you are driving around town.

Don’t wait for your suffering to begin. Call Brevard Health Alliance today to schedule an appointment with an allergist and learn more about how to stop allergies during spring.



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