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Frequently-Asked Questions About Podiatry

Brevard Health Alliance provides podiatry services for patients throughout Brevard County, FL and the surrounding areas, including Cocoa, Malabar, Palm Bay, Titusville, Melbourne, Rockledge, and more. When you Google “podiatric surgeons near me” or “doctors for feet,” you’ll likely come across various options—but we hope you’ll choose Brevard Health Alliance. With years of experience, you can rest assured you’re in good hands. Our podiatric physicians are highly skilled and capable of treating various foot and ankle conditions. Below, we’ve answered your frequently-asked questions about podiatry and podiatrists.

Podiatry is a medical field that seeks to improve the health and well-being of those suffering from foot and ankle conditions. Podiatry focuses on preventing, diagnosing, and treating these conditions.

A podiatrist is a medical professional who specializes in conditions affecting the foot and ankle. Podiatrists are also referred to as podiatric physicians or doctors of podiatric medicine. Podiatrists are trained to diagnose and treat pain, discomfort, and abnormal conditions in the leg and foot.

Podiatrists treat foot and ankle conditions daily. Their patients often have chronic illnesses like arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, or peripheral arterial disease. Each of these chronic illnesses is capable of leading to severe foot and ankle problems. Professional podiatric treatment can help patients with these illnesses avoid further serious complications.

Podiatrists treat a wide range of podiatric conditions. The feet do a lot of work, and because they are always working, it’s important that they remain in good health. A podiatrist will examine your lower legs, ankles, feet, and toenails before discussing your condition and its treatment plan. The conditions a podiatrist treats include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Diabetes-Related Conditions
  • Ulcers & Sores
  • Bunions & Hammertoes
  • Calluses
  • Nail Disorders
  • Heel Spurs
  • Foot Deformities
  • Sprains & Strains
  • Sports-Related Injuries
  • Foot And Ankle Fractures
  • Chronic Foot Pain
  • Arthritis
  • Chronic Inflammatory Conditions

A podiatrist and a podiatric surgeon are both Doctors of Podiatric Medicine (DPMs). Based on their education, training, and experience, these medical professionals are uniquely qualified to treat foot and ankle conditions. The surgical procedures performed by podiatric surgeons vary based on both their individual experiences and personal preference within their practice. At BHA our podiatrists perform outpatient medical care and perform small procedures in clinic. If your condition needs a more rigorous surgical procedure we will send you to one of the local surgeons in the area to be evaluated.

Podiatrists undergo medical education and training comparable to doctors of osteopathic medicine. This includes four years of undergraduate, four years of graduate, and a three year hospital-based residency training.

Yes, most insurances are accepted by Podiatrist’s. Before an appointment with a podiatric specialist, it’s important to determine if your health insurance is accepted. You can do this by contacting our office in advance.

If you’re experiencing foot pain you should schedule an appointment with a podiatrist to have it evaluated and treated. Our Podiatrist’s at BHA will help you get on the road to recovery to return to your life. We work with local specialists to help treat a variety of conditions and if needed we can send you to a surgeon if you would benefit.

When you visit a podiatrist at our facility, you can expect them to review your medical history and inquire about any medications you’re taking and previous surgeries you’ve undergone. Your podiatrist will listen to and address any concerns regarding the pain and symptoms you may be experiencing. You can expect your podiatrist to look at your feet, how you stand, and how you walk. After this evaluation, they will develop a treatment plan tailored to you and your unique needs. If you’re exhibiting symptoms that can be treated in our office that day, we will treat them for you. Procedures that can be provided in the office include steroid injection, joint aspirations, toenail procedures, and wound care.

No, foot pain is not normal. If the foot or ankle pain you are experiencing persists longer than one week, we recommend scheduling an appointment with a podiatrist before the problem worsens. Lingering foot pain typically indicates a foot problem that needs professional treatment.

For your first podiatry appointment, we ask that you bring your daily footwear, including any shoes you wear inside your home. It would also be handy if you could bring any x-rays or ultrasounds you had.

Contact Our Team Today for Podiatry Services

If you’re looking for a foot specialist doctor, look no further than Brevard Health Alliance. We are dedicated to the health and safety of our patient’s feet. Our foot and ankle doctors can help you get back on your feet when dealing with chronic pain or an injury. We provide comprehensive podiatry care so you can get the care you need when you need it. We believe that patients of all ages and financial backgrounds should have access to quality foot health services. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule a consultation with our team. Additionally, if you have a question about podiatry that wasn’t answered on this page, we’d happily answer it.

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